SDN - Classic

06-05 File editing

File copy and file move have been expanded so that essential metadata, including categories, types, tags and quizzing information is also copied or moved.

06-05 Playlists

There are new playlist options to allow viewers to filter playlist entries via categories or search in the player.

06-03 external Libraries

To improve transparency, you can now view all external libraries used in the 3Q player on the page:

05-15 Live Project

You can now either upload a watermark to your livestream project or add an external URL which will be overlayed over the signal. The same watermark or URL will appear in recordings and 3rd party distributions.

02-29 Player management

In the player management you can now add intro and outtro videos to player before and after each video.

02-22 Livestream projects

In livestream projects you can now select a video to play in a loop before your stream starts. Please note that this feature is only supported when using the 3Q player.

01-12 oEmbed

SDN now supports oEmbed. The oembed code is available immediately to all customers along with our other embed code options.

Last updated