
06-05 File trimming

You can now trim your uploaded video and audio files in the new UI. The original file is retained and can be restored to the full length, if needed. Trimming is now available:

  • it is ALWAYS available, not restricted to the Pipeline Operations anymore

  • the File Info Panel indicates, that a File has been trimmed, and show the current and original Duration

  • the File List/Card Views show, that a File has been trimmed

  • when an already trimmed File is trimmed again, the Trimming Dialogue correctly shows the original Duration and tries to playback the Source File

  • the Trimming Dialogue asks to also delete Chapters/TextTracks (if available) before Trimming (which is often desired)

The InfoView now also shows, when a Source File has been deleted.

06-03 SSO

in an SSO Re-Login Situation, after the User dismissed the SAML Dialogue, the UI now still shows a small Link to use SAML URL nevertheless

06-03 WCAG 2.2

Improved Tag handling in player.

05-08 Playlist management

Playlist management has been implemented in the new UI. Playlists now have one of three types: audio only, video only or mixed.

04-18 Search feature

In the new UI it is now possible to search across multiple projects. You can search by metadata as well as by playoutID.

03-27 automatic Subtitle

In the new UI you can now upload a glossary of custom terms to your on demand project for use with automatic subtitle generation.

01-16 User administration

You can now define default settings for new users in the new UI.

Last updated